News list for " karpeles"

Former Mt. Gox CEO: The current industry has too many centralized risks and too many scam projects

Mark Karpeles, former CEO of Mt. Gox, said in an interview at Blockchain Week in Korea that the risk of centralisation in the industry is too high and there are too many scam projects. "There are so many projects like this that I would use the word bad in a very broad sense because it is either a scam project or a project that does not bring any new content that is too prominent." In addition, Karpeles also did not forget to promote the layered deterministic wallet (HD) technology, and said that...

2024-09-08 11:29:06
前Mt.Gox CEO:当前行业内中心化风险过大,骗局项目太多

前 Mt.Gox CEO Mark Karpeles 在韩国区块链周接受采访时表示,当前行业内中心化风险过大,骗局项目太多。“这样的项目太多了,我要从非常广泛的意义上来使用糟糕这个词,因为它要么是一个骗局项目,要么就是没有带来任何太过突出的新内容的项目。” 此外,Karpeles 还不忘推介分层确定性钱包(HD)技术,并称 Mt.Gox 时代如果有 HD 技术,则悲剧就不...

2024-09-08 11:29:06
The former Mt. Gox CEO is about to launch a new cryptocurrency trading platform, EllipX.

On September 4th, former Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpeles plans to launch his new cryptocurrency trading platform later this month, with a focus on transparency and user-friendliness. The upcoming platform, called EllipX, is scheduled to launch in Europe later this month and is headquartered in Poland. Karpeles said that the structure of the new trading platform will be similar to the New York Stock Exchange, but for cryptocurrencies. To ensure the transparency of the platform, Karpeles plans to separa...

2024-09-04 12:18:36
前Mt.Gox CEO即将推出新加密货币交易平台EllipX

9 月 4 日消息,前 Mt.Gox 首席执行官 Mark Karpeles 计划于本月晚些时候推出他的新加密货币交易平台,重点关注透明度和用户友好性。即将推出的平台名为 EllipX,计划于本月晚些时候在欧洲推出,总部位于波兰。 Karpeles 表示,新交易平台的结构将与纽约证券交易所类似,但针对的是加密货币。为了保证平台的透明度,Karpeles 计划将交易平台的不同工作机构分开。

2024-09-04 12:18:36